How do I change locations?
You can change tide locations in several places. In the Today tab, tap the name of your current station at the top of the screen. Here you can view recent stations, and shortcuts to customize the design of the Today view. If the search bar is not responding when trying to search for a new location, please go to Settings > Tide Stations > Search. This is an iOS bug and is being investigated.
Do I need a separate subscription for my Apple Watch or iPad?
One subscription works across all of your devices. To unlock Pro on your iPad or iPhone, please navigate to Settings > Pro > Scroll to the bottom and tap “Restore Purchase.”
How do I change my tide datum?
You can change your datum setting in the settings tab.
Widgets or complications have a lock icon?
Complications are a pro feature, and require an active pro subscription to use. To unlock the complications, launch the iPhone app while the watch app is open. \n\nPlease note that watchOS determines when the complications are updated, and sometimes the lock can take 1-2mins to disappear.
Apple Watch says "Open on iPhone"
If the watch app says "Open Tide Guide on your iPhone to setup" after opening Tide Guide on your iPhone, try changing stations on your phone.
Why are the watch complications a dashed line?
The complications may turn into a dashed-line in certain situations, dictated by watchOS. This is a result of the complication processing it’s data. To force reload the complications, simply force quit the watch app and re-open.
How do I cancel my subscription?
You can easily manage, change, or cancel your pro subscription anytime in your App Store account settings.
The watch app is showing different times than the iPhone app?
This can happen when the watch hasn't synced your latest preferences from your iPhone. To update open the app on your watch, and then quit and relaunch Tide Guide on your iPhone.
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